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Here in My Summer Diary, you will find many lovely items imported from Japan and Korea (cos' I simply loved them!)

From necklaces to big tote bags, they are all uniquely selected, photographed and featured by me, and I believe you will love them cos’ they are so sweet and fit summery Singapore so well!

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    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “My Summer Diary ” - Shopping

  1. vtay
     24 Jul 2008 at 2:34 pm
       My Summer Diary - Shopping   My Summer Diary - Shopping   My Summer Diary - Shopping

    Very very new blogstore with very very few items for sale.

    Items are all imported either from Japan or Korea, and therefore the prices are of the middle to high range. However, the products look like they are made of high quality materials. So if anyone is looking for stuff that would probably last longer under heavy usage and you don't really mind the extra costs, do consider purchasing from this blogstore.

    Photos of products are well taken, the layout of the entire blogstore and all the entries are very neatly and well done.

    I especially love the header banner with the blinking stars (very nicely designed!) and the image of balloons floating into the blue sky! It gives me a very fresh and uplifting feeling and it really adds optimism to the overall package. Love it!

    Please bring in more products so that online shoppers can have more variety!

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    Rating given:4 stars
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