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Modern accessories for creative fashion to be added to your life. Any enquires, Pls PM on facebook or email at [email protected]

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    » 1 Review for “Nakama (Facebook Shop) ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. thinkefy
     24 Dec 2014 at 12:36 pm
       Nakama (Facebook Shop) - Shopping (Online)   Nakama (Facebook Shop) - Shopping (Online)

    Love the pretty blink blink accessories and the hand made little trinkets that made great gifts for my loved ones this christmas. Well, everybody needs a small blink somehow another and you can simply get them from here.

    Talked to the friendly booth owners which is a jolly bunch of helpful ladies with a great smile constantly plastered on their faces, who loved to travel, shop and bring back to sell. I mean how meaningful can travelling be when you get to earn some travel money back afterwards.

    Most of their items displayed are specially curated by these tasteful ladies with a bling bling crystal studded theme. There are keychains with beautifully studded jewels and many more interesting accessories...

    A great place to shop with one of the kind items

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