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Shopping (Online) » Jewelry & Accessories
Photos of NMKB Habib Collection - Shopping (Online)Photos of NMKB Habib Collection - Shopping (Online)Photos of NMKB Habib Collection - Shopping (Online)

NMKB fascination is with those supernatural GEMSTONE properties, NMKB passion has reflected in our FASHION JEWELLERY CREATION WEAR.

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    » 1 Review for “NMKB Habib Collection ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. thinkefy
     25 Nov 2014 at 9:53 am
       NMKB Habib Collection - Shopping (Online)   NMKB Habib Collection - Shopping (Online)   NMKB Habib Collection - Shopping (Online)

    Have you heard of the Crystal Therapy? NMKB learnt the skill of harassing the energy of natural crystals for overall well-being and is able to practice that on its receiver to gain benefits especially in the area of mental conditioning and stress reliving.

    An ancient art utilizing only natural minerals specially imported, NMKB also sells them in the form of accessories and jewellery. I was impressed by the range of the items I see and was equally astounded by the affordable prices that was labelled.

    A good selection of bracelets, rings, pendants and bangles that the older generation will appreciate however there is wisdom in what the older people practices which might not be well comprehended by this high-tech generation. I appreciate the move to bring back the culture of wearing mineral stones and crystals as well as wisdom from our fore fathers.

    The selections in terms of colours and designs are many, though borderly fashionable, the love for these real natural stones will never die. Great products, good pricing and great service. Love the knowledge that was imparted when I merely enquired on a ring...

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