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90 Hougang Avenue 10 #B1-24 Hougang Mall
Telephone: (65) 6367-2800
Restaurants » Fast Food, Japanese , Steakhouses
Photos of Pepper Lunch Express (Hougang Mall) - Restaurants

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    » 3 Reviews for “Pepper Lunch Express (Hougang Mall) ” - Restaurants

  1. x33kawaii-lov3
     28 Dec 2011 at 12:26 am
       Pepper Lunch Express (Hougang Mall) - Restaurants

    It is always the student meal whenever we came to pepper lunch to have our meal. As usual, I ordered the student meal salmon pepper rice.(:

    Since the first time I tried pepper lunch, I had always liked the concept of flavouring your rice to our own satisfactory taste:D Me and my friends would always fill our rice full with pepper and add moderate amount of the garlic soy sauce and the honey sauce!;D

    I love how the rice taste so nice and aromatic ^^ Considering it cost $5.90 for the student meal, I would say it is worth the price.(: The salmons are also fresh and the amount of salmon is reasonable. If there is one thing I have to say I dislike about pepper lunch, it would be the nice but yet strong smell in their restaurant, which never fails to leave my hair full of the smell of pepper lunch :x

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    1. alina11
       16 Nov 2011 at 4:59 pm

      My dad works at Hougang Mall (I won't tell you the shop) so I accompanied him there during dinner time to shop and so we ate at his all time favorite Pepper Lunch stall at the basement.

      It was a Friday evening so there was quite a queue. Dad had a Unagi Pepper Rice and I took Salmon Pepper Rice. We both got meals for the set, chose salad and for drinks Dad had cola and I had Peach and Mango tea.

      Food came after 15 minutes. I could understand as the restaurant was terribly crowded and I could see that the other customers' orders weren't on their table yet.

      The salad was good, cold chicken pieces are my favorite. Thousand Island dressing was a great dressing for this salad. Dad's meal came first. I'm not a fan of unagi, so I didn't bother to try his.

      When my food came, I added like half the bottle of the 'honey brown sauce'. I LOVE it so much!!!!! Sometimes when dad packs home pepper lunch, he will get 3 extra containers of honey brown sauce for me. Okay, so I pour in the sauce, some garlic soy sauce, a pinch of salt, a shake of pepper, and then MIX MIX MIX MIX till the food is done. Dad isn't as patient and me, so he just pours in the honey brown sauce and mixes for like 6 seconds and then eats the food.

      Food was GR8!!! I wanna go back there again so badly.... =D

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      1. oaken
         14 Jan 2010 at 8:51 pm

        Ate at this branch a few months ago. As compared to all other branches, this is similar, in terms of menu and general deco.

        For the uninitiated, the dishes served at pepper lunch are primarily hotplates containing meat, rice/ beansprouts and some other items. What you do is just stir fry (thats what i do) the items within, adding any condiments you like.

        That time i went, i think i ate salmon and chicken. Food wise, they are of alright quality. No comments on the cooking quality as i'm the chef myself. haha.

        Price wise, it is around 10 - 20 dollars, quite ex for a fast food restaurant i would say. But i am not sure if they are a fastfood restaurant.

        This particular branch at hougang mall is normally quite empty and you can get a seat quite easily. That is even during peak hours.

        Service was quite fast. You will need to carry your own drinks to your table with a standup card to wait for your main dishes.

        Drawback may be the smell on your clothing as the food tend to produce quite a lot of smoke.

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