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      » 1 Review for “Philips InfraCare ” - Shopping

    2. Muffy
       15 May 2007 at 4:34 pm

      Philips InfraCare, a portable infrared heat lamp. Bought one recently at Best Denki. Was not convinced of sales talk or demo by staff but a friend of mine just sprained his ankle last week and was complaining that there was a slight creaking sound each time he walks up the stairs.

      Have asked him to try the displayed model. After sitting for 20 minutes, his feedback was that he felt a warm feeling near the ankle. The salesman continued to explain that these lamps are designed to relieve chronic muscular pains, rheumatic disorders, stiff muscles and joints. The infrared helps to improve blood circulation which will then supplies more oxygen to the affected area.

      A few elderly ladies also sat to try it out. There were giggles and laughter when they have to lift up the bottom part of their pants to expose their ankles. All of them felt a soothing effect. It must be the heat from the lamp.

      ( Latest feedback from my friend - No more cracking pain! )

      Developed by Philips, there are 3 models available. From standing version for entire back, thigh and knees, portable version for neck, shoulder and calf to the smallest version for specific small areas only. Not sure about price but bought mine less than $150

      Products are made in Germany and has been approved by the European Medical Device Directive, an international body which test and assess such products for use on people

      Currently available at Best Denki, Harvey Norman, Robinsons and selected Guardian pharmacies

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