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Pichuya is motivated by the need to provide our customers with the products that is value for money. We aim to bring in high quality skin care products that is currently sold and used in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to our customers in Singapore.

Brands which we carry are Dainty Design 丹堤美人, Shiseido 资生堂, Beauty Diary 我的美丽日记, Xin Ji Mei Ren 心机美人 and 女人我最大 beauty gadget products . All our products has been strongly recommended by Taiwan celebrities and media.

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    » 1 Review for “Pichuya ” - Shopping

  1. Nicnic
     09 Feb 2009 at 11:13 pm
       Pichuya - Shopping   Pichuya - Shopping   Pichuya - Shopping   Pichuya - Shopping   Pichuya - Shopping

    i came across pichuya while surfing facebook.

    they have many products from taiwan with mainly skincare and cosmetics.

    the prices seems reasonable initially but i actually found cheaper sources elsewhere. however, its still cheaper when you buy in those shops like sasa.

    furthermore, it charges postage where some other similar sites dont. the shipping is also not as fast as it says, it took me abt 1 week plus to receive my purchases even though it mentioned it take about 3-4 days.

    im dont dislike the site. it still has interesting things that are not available in singapore. however, my point is, if you wanna get something, you may wish to source for other websites and you may find cheaper alternatives.

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