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109 North Bridge Road, #04-07/08/09
Funan DigitalLife Mall
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6337-0653
Shopping » Computers, Electronics

PC hardware and software. Handhelds, phones and peripherals. Computing accessories, handheld games accessories and etc...

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “PK Computer (Funan) ” - Shopping

  1. kokono
     25 Mar 2008 at 2:20 am

    PK computers is very similiar to Challenger store. Both of the stores sell the same general products. It would be good to do a price comparision of both stores before you make you buying decision. In my opinion, prices for both stores are almost similiar. It all boils down to the buying experience you are getting from both stores. A few times, I purchased my IT needs from PK because the sales person are much friendlier and more knowledgable about the stuffs they are selling. Plus, ( my personal secret reviewed ) I have a small crush on a sales lady called Amy in PK since I was a teenager. Pretty, IT smart and courteous... man, she melts my heart everytime I talk to her and I almost always ended up purchasing something from the store after.

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    1. Leenie Pigs
       04 Oct 2007 at 8:39 am

      I have a NDS Lite... In short its a 2 screened GAMEBOY. If you think that its a childish thing, then you should buy one and experience the sophistication of the technology especially crafted into this handheld equipment. I always wanted to protect the screens as I am not very gentle towards handheld equipments.

      One faithful SUNDAY afternoon, I was shopping in FUNAN and I came across the screen protector i wanted to find in PK COMPUTERS PTE LTD. It is retailing at only $7.90, comes in exactly cut sizes and is of a pretty good quality.

      It is easy to find screen protectors and it can get really cheap, but usually the cheap ones are not of good quality and most of the time you've got to place them on yourself. They come off easily and might harm your screen instead of protecting it. Especially when you have a touch screen, sometimes when we are excited we tend to be rather ROUGH on the screens and they are very expensive to replace.

      I got the protectors and proceed to payment. After payment, the retail assistant asked if I brought my unit and proceed towards fixing the protector up for me. It was perfectly fitted on and I've never seen my NDS Lite so clean since day 1.

      For those looking for screen protectors, I recommend PK Computers. Though they do not specialise in this but they did an excellent job in fixing it on. You can also play some games on their demo sets while waiting for them to get your protector on. So far, this is the only place i could find such good quality protectors at such value price.

      For an even cheaper idea, you might want to stick on a piece of clear masking tape... Hee hee.....

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