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Opening Hours: Tuesdays - Sundays, 9am - 5pm (Closed on Mondays for regular estate and M&E maintenance, except Public Holidays that fall on Mondays)
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2 Reviews for “Reflections At Bukit Chandu ” -
Nestled right at the top of Bukit Chandu is this museum that provides a glimpse into the past; Especially the battles fought at and around Pasir Panjang.....Ever wondered that battles were fought at Vivo City!!
This was no ordinary battle as it was between the Malay Regiment and the Opposing Japanese forces. They were clearly outnumbered (1400 vs 13000) but their shear grit and courage moved them to defend what was left of Singapore. It was like a do or die situation and many lost their lives defending the "last" holding area before the capture of Singapore. The battle lasted for a short while from 13th to 14th February 1942.
The museum itself is divided into 2 levels. The highlight of the first level is the Battle of Pasir Panjang. Did anyone ever know that a major battle was fought here? Well it was and it seemed like it was the last stronghold. Situated at the top of a small hill called Bukit Chandu (Opium Hill). Being in an elevated location seems to be a strategically sound idea. But in the end being outnumbered 1 to 13 was not a pleasant thing....even in MMORPG
The highlight of level 2 is the Bukit Chandu Theatre. Here is where the battle at Bukit Panjang comes alive. One of the heroes of this battle was Lt. Adnan Saidi. Adnan was entrusted with the defence of Pasir Panjang Ridge, the last British bastion before Alexandra, where their main ammunition and supplies, military hospital and other key installations were located.
They tried their best to frustrate the Japanese effort to take over the Ridge, but the fighting strained Adnan's men and in the end they had to retreat to Opium Hill. They fought until they ran out of ammunition and had to resort to hand to hand combat. At this stage of desperation, together with the sheer force of the Japanese troops, they had to suffer a grisly defeat. Adnan himself suffered a brutal death. The Japanese soldiers angry with him for leading such a brave front that lead to the heavy Japanese casualty, tied him legs up to a tree and bayoneted him repeatedly.....the rest is just too gruesome to describe here....a family friendly site.
Why do humans do such things to one another? We ended up leaving this place with this question. Was it greed, ambition of one man, revenge.. or was it just wild animalistic behaviour that war brings about in people. They are taught to kill in the fastest way and to survive at the expense of others. And yet till today, who remembers Adnan and the battle at Opium hill? There is a plaque at Kent Ridge Park and you can find his memorial at Cemetery No. 385 bearing the words "Lt. Adnan Saidi" in Kranji war memorial.
Although there are many exhibits here which provides a good reflection of the past and our history, one cannot stop but think of the torment and the desperation that war brings about. Of course this also provide an inspiring account of bravery, steadfastness and endurance - which we all hope to show in other ways.
Just next to the musuem is the Canopy walk....but this is a different story.
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Visited this place twice. Once during army and once for my undergrad studies. It is quite a nice place to better understand the history of Singapore. Didn't had quite a good experience during my army trip as it was too rushed. Would recommend around 1 and a half hour of time in this place to enjoy it. An interesting exhibit will have to be the "well" on the second floor. Having seen it, you will know why this place is called "Reflections At Bukit Chandu". I particularly like the exhibits on the first floor which talked about the Singapore campaign by the Japs. For those who are looking for info on the Jap occupation, this is not really the place. This place tends more towards the Japanese campaign in Malaya and on the Sook Ching massacre.
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