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3 Reviews
59 Jalan Tua Kong
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6440-4151
Beauty and Wellness » Massage

    Overall Rating:
    » 3 Reviews for “Relax Point ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. Cheerio
     07 Dec 2008 at 7:24 pm

    To be fair to the general public who is taking review from the net as a reference. I had just tried their service today and it was not as what i had expected. For those seeking the western sort of massage of more long strokes, kneeding, and muscle relaxing massage, this is not the place.

    However for those who are seeking more of the acupuncture pointers/ chinese kinda massage. it would be highly recommended. esp those who enjoy the stimulant of certain pain during the process. Just my 2 cents.

    Cheerio with still aching muscle that needs sweedish massage

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    1. seret
       29 Nov 2007 at 2:34 pm

      Agreed.. they are good . but they have shifted to Jalan Tukong, off Upp East Coast Rd. the massage is worth it, you will feel the pain if they got the point where you are weak. good for sport persons, with or without injury, for general health too.. but guess most of us more or less will feel aching here or there ...

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      Comments on this review:
      1. nawhos
        nawhos said:
        Yes, was told Relax Point have shifted to Jalan Tukong. Wonder if parking is convenient there and what other amenities are provided.
        29 Nov 2007 at 2:45 pm
      2. seret
        seret said:
        its surrounded with bloodie roadhouse, car grooming, provision shops, also a coffee shop opp.. best to go on non peak days so you can park just outside their unit..
        29 Nov 2007 at 3:25 pm
      3. zihui
        zihui said:
        thanks for the info.
        04 Dec 2007 at 9:12 pm
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    2. nawhos
       07 Jul 2007 at 12:28 pm

      Full body massage, foot massage, shoulder massage - I have tried several places but I find that Relax Point meets my needs. I enjoy the body massage by a pint size lady. Dont doubt her size! She is able to give the right pressure at the right point . If you seldom go for massage, you can expect a little pain after 1 or 2 days. This is perfectly Ok for me. To me, this means that the massager did put in the effort and it is not just a body rubbing massage. well it is money well spent. At least after the massage I do feel the difference.

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