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200 Turf Club Road
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6464-6332
Shopping » Arts & Decors

San Merinos is the place where you can find all your crafting needs from the beginning of your project till the end. We will bring you the latest needlecraft tools and supplies for your project till the end. We will bring you the latest needlecraft tools and supplies for knitting, stitching, quilting, felting and many more for your selection. Walk into our yarn, fabric and ribbon aisles and be surrounded with every colour of the rainbow. Be spoilt for choice from our wide range of products mainly from Japan, Europe, U.K. and U.S. Throughout the year, there will be a variety of courses avaiblable from the basic skills to the advanced level. Every visit to San Merinos will be like an inspiration for your creative ideas and to meet firends with similar interest.

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