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10 Tampines Central 1
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6260-4355
Beauty and Wellness » Cosmetics
Photos of Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and WellnessPhotos of Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and WellnessPhotos of Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and WellnessPhotos of Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and WellnessPhotos of Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and Wellness
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    » 1 Review for “Sasa (Tampines 1) ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. Nicnic
     25 Jul 2009 at 6:01 am
       Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and Wellness   Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and Wellness   Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and Wellness   Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and Wellness   Sasa (Tampines 1) - Beauty and Wellness

    I have a very good friend working in the management office of Sasa in HK. from her, I learnt that Sasa is very particular about their staff providing good customer service, which I experienced it in all Sasa outlets in HK.

    However, back in Sg, though the customer service standard is not THAT drastically different, but what disturbed me was their method of operation which caused me much inconvenience.

    There were plenty of examples but to cut long story short, I made a purchase in that outlet when I was in an extreme hurry. I explained to the sales girl if she could try her best to hurry up. In the end, I was made to fill in 3 identical redundant forms for some reason which till now I still dont know.

    Keying in wrong amounts, losing my items when i left them in their hands, taking quite a long time to get back to me etc. Lotsa complicated examples.

    But in all honesty, and to be fair, i could tell that they were willing to help solve the problems instead of ignoring my requests. They also tried to be flexible in their policy for the benefit of the customers.

    Sigh, till now, I still love and hate them. I think im getting split personality.

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