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next to Sengkang Sports &Recreation Centre
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Sports and Recreation » Parks
Photos of Sengkang Floating Wetlands - Sports & RecreationPhotos of Sengkang Floating Wetlands - Sports & RecreationPhotos of Sengkang Floating Wetlands - Sports & Recreation

The man-made wetlands, about half the size of a football field, are the first floating wetlands built in a reservoir. The wetland is a natural habitat for fishes and birds. The public can get closer to the floating wetlands in the middle of the reservoir, by walking through a pedestrian foot bridge which is connected by a floating boardwalk.

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    » 1 Review for “Sengkang Floating Wetlands ” - Sports & Recreation

  1. RichardDTan
     17 Jun 2011 at 9:03 am
       Sengkang Floating Wetlands - Sports & Recreation   Sengkang Floating Wetlands - Sports & Recreation   Sengkang Floating Wetlands - Sports & Recreation

    Visited the Floating Wetlands early one evening and there were many visitors strolling, walking or jogging along the boardwalk. Parking is very convenient, either along the road or at the swimming complex next door.

    The walk is very comfortable, sloping with no steps, suitable for the elderly or those in wheelchairs. The boardwalk allows visitors to get close to the flora on the floating islands and examine the species of water plants, lillies etc. You can also glimpse large fishes in the murky water and in the evening, the herons and other birds will return to the islands to nest. There is even a bird hide in the shape of a mangosteen where you can spy on the birds without disturbing them.

    When you get hungry, the McDonalds is just a ten-minute walk away.

    Thumbs-down: irresponsible visitors have already started to litter the waters around the wetlands.

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