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4 Reviews
435 Orchard Road
#04-01, Wisma Atria
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6561-1352
Shopping » Electronics, Mobile Phones

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “Sony Ericsson Service Center (Wisma Atria) ” - Shopping

  1. Yeo K H
     12 Jul 2009 at 12:49 am

    Called Sony Service Cte (1) on Wed 8. They tried to contact Service Cte at Wisma Atria (2) but no one picked up the phone. They sent email to Wisma to call me. Called (1) again on Thu 9th and the same thing, no one pickd up the phone. As at Sat, no calls at all from Wisma Cte (2). CSO at (1) was helpful and polite but service from (2) is zero. Why have a service centre that does not respond??? I won't buy Sony products anymore. Overall service in Singapore has not improved with a few exceptions e.g. SIA / Singtel who have developed a good corporate culture. Banks are equally bad when it comes to service.

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    Comments on this review:
    1. genesis
      genesis said:
      Could this be a "self service center"? :)
      13 Jul 2009 at 3:22 pm
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  2. Allan
     28 Aug 2008 at 2:05 pm

    Just went to their service center in J8 yesterday, was really piss off by the young ah lian service. Face is like everbody in the world owe her something. She may be serving customers all day, but customer only go in once in a blue moon, so b more professional in expression and attitude towards customer (otherwise go hand around in void deck). This is sure way of harming image of Sony Ericsson.

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    Comments on this review:
    1. claud
      claud said:
      This review is for the service center at Junction 8 or Wisma?
      28 Aug 2008 at 2:06 pm
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  3. james
     16 Jul 2008 at 12:20 pm

    I am a Sony Ericsson K850i user.....

    This phone has been giving me problem after I have purchased it. This is the worst phone that I have ever had.

    Every time, i went ot the service centre, the reception personnel was telling a lot of sweet things.... Just wanna please me.....

    To me, a phone should be workable all the time; at least within the 1st year. Mine is not even half year. With this unhappy experience, I would not buy any more Sony Ericsson products..... may be also Sony products.... there are expensive and not perform well.....

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