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Shopping » Mobile Phones

Outsourced Service Centre for Sony Ericsson's Brand of mobile phones and accessories

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    » 2 Reviews for “Sony Ericsson Service Centre (Simei) ” - Shopping

  1. foong
     20 May 2009 at 10:03 pm

    very bad service from sony ericsson at simei.. currently using c902. contract ends mid june. after a year the phone surfaces lots of problems.. mother board, has been changed twice and few severies done.. three weeks ago i went down 2 look for the centre manager instead the supervisor attended 2 me. told me that will replace me wit a new phone in 2 weeks time. after a week i called, this supervisor told ne rudely that she has told me 2 weeks y do i need to call after a week.. today 20 may after 3 weeks i did not hear from her i called again and now she tells me that they have no stock.. VERY IRRESPONSIBLE wat is this.. rubbish! no stock don even know how to inform..

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    1. sibaideman
       07 Jan 2009 at 4:13 pm

      I owns a W910i both special edition bronze colour. This model has so many issues and the lousy experience at their outsourced service centre has made me sworn off Sony Ericsson products for a while.

      The phone started hanging, dropping calls, restarting automatically barely one month after purchase. Sending it to the Simei service centre often means a fruitless minimum 5-day loss of use of the phone plus data. What's worst, all they are willing or capable of doing is to update the O/S even if it was just updated a couple of days ago.

      Naturally problems recurred. After much complaints, they agreed to replace with a "brand new" phone set. It was suspicious as the process involved me having to leave the old phone with them for a couple of hours before they were able to issue me a new phone. Their explanation was that they needed to swap over my bronze casing as they were unable to get a new bronze phone.

      Not surprisingly, this "new" phone also exhibited the same problems the very same day I got it back. What else could I conclude but that they had merely replaced some components which did not resolve the problems. After another lengthy process (taking up to 5months) of demanding for a real "brand new" replacement, I gave up and had to accept their offer of an ugly red colour casing new phone. Reason again given was that they were not able to get the bronze colour casing!!!

      I gave up because the one year warranty was almost up but I certainly felt short-changed as I had paid premium for the special colour version yet ended up with an ugly red phone. To add insults to the injuries, this new red phone also hanged intermittently and switched off by its own will!!!

      Friends who own similar model of this phone also told me they had frequent problems with this phone. I had always been impressed with Sony Ericsson for its beautiful phone design but now realised what use is a beautiful phone if it is not even able to function properly half the time? It is also puzzling why their outsourced service centre could not put in specific order for the right colour casing of phone for replacement to customers.

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