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29 Club Street
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Telephone: (65) 6224-2525
Restaurants » Italian

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “SPizza (Club Street) ” - Restaurants

  1. jessthia
     28 Sep 2008 at 4:17 am

    This outlet is located along the expensive western restaurants at Club Street, thus the ambience at this outlet feels good too, and perceived as one of the cheaper eatery there compare to its neighbors.

    I like its thin and crispy crust, ingredient quality better than many youngster new cafe. Reasonable pricing worth going back again.

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    1. $money$
       16 Jul 2008 at 10:18 pm

      Club Street, I wonder how many people in CBD knows about it. It looks deserted. But for such a location, the restaurant had quite a number of patrons for lunch.

      Spizza’s mainly has pizza (the names of each starts from A to Z) and some pasta and some dessert. Their pizzas are thin-crust …. perfect.

      We had “Ursula” which has smoked salmon and spinach. Not salty (one of us was complaining about a salty dinner – smoked salmon sandwich) and the spinach does not have funny taste (although it looks raw). The thin crust with the thin slice of salmon (but take away the spinach), is so good. Others on the table had "Helena", "Donna", "Sofia".

      Their dessert also taste nice, although we were wondering why my “Aida” with a description containing “cheesecake” turn out to have ice-cream beneath some cake and does not have taste of cheese.

      The price seems to be a bit on the high side. An 8 inch is $16 and a 12 inch is $21. But the best thing is, you could request to add an egg on the pizza (those sunny-side-up type) for an extra $1. Wonder if that is a typical Italian style, or just something the chef thought of.

      If you have HSBC, you 10% discount or better with a HSBC platinum (15% discount). Although that is just enough to cover the service charge and GST. Oh, but you will get a stamp for each pizza ordered and 10 stamps get you the 11th pizza free.

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      Rating given:4 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. feizhu
        feizhu said:
        alot of people know about spizza. But there is so much good food around there ;)
        16 Jul 2008 at 10:52 pm
      2. $money$
        $money$ said:
        I do know club street has a lot of hidden food treasure, but not many will venture around that area under the hot sun
        16 Jul 2008 at 11:01 pm
      3. $money$
        $money$ said:
        Oh yes, forgot to add that no ice water is offered FOC (heard that is getting a norm nowadays)
        16 Jul 2008 at 11:05 pm
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