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230 Victoria Street #01-15
Seiyu Department Store
Telephone: 6334-7671
Food and Beverages » Coffee & Tea
Photos of Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & Beverages

Inside Bugis Junction itself.

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    » 3 Reviews for “Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) ” - Food & Beverages

  1. thinkefy
     27 Feb 2013 at 12:19 am

    Usually almost always cannot find a seat in this outlet. Its that jam packed even on weekdays... The last time when I finally got a seat, I had to butt-ram some sissy man out of the way before I got myself a corridor-outdoor seat for 2 where we steal a chair and expanded one more seat to house our group of 3.

    They serve the regular coffee in all forms.... espresso, latte, ice blended, frapuccino, teas, snapple and beverages of all kinds in various blands and roast. smelling the intoxicating brew in the air, one cannot but want to succumb to the need of a hot cuppa something laced with caffeine to perk up the lazy afternoon. My company succumbed to a vanilla latte and a white chocolate mocha, however I am the only one who stood up to face my temptations and conquered it.. I had a Green Tea Frappucino with the oh so rich.. creme..... Yumm.....

    It was yummy.... though a tad too sweet for my liking, the green tea frappucino is rich in flavor and aroma, I would prefer it to be less sweet as i find green tea should carry a teeny weeny bit of tea leave bitter taste.. My companions love their coffees and looked really perked up while i continue with my sleepy discussion with heavy lids....

    Love the cookies and muffins they serve... Goes really well with the beverages and service is prompt though it looks almost always very crowded. Ambience is the regular easy going cafe environment. The locations is marginally clean as empty used beverage containers are not cleared fast enough. Price is on the slightly high side as compared to the other coffee chains....

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    1. Genevieve
       11 Apr 2011 at 1:38 pm

      With so many new coffee chains popping up left and right, Starbucks is under a lot of pressure to maintain its edge over its rivals. Thankfully, the beverages are still up to standard. The only complaint is that the prices are often hiked up but the size of the drinks still remain the same. Regardless of that fact, the Caramel Macchiato which I frequently have is still tasty, and much better compared to Coffee Bean & McCafe. The muffins and cakes are a tad expensive, but based on their tastes alone, still worth the price. Since I am pretty much a coffee addict, I give this a thumbs up.

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      1. sakurrin
         23 Dec 2008 at 1:35 am
           Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & Beverages   Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & Beverages   Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & Beverages   Starbucks (Parco Bugis Junction) - Food & Beverages

        Went to buy starbucks' drinks as it got the promotion!!! :D ( look at the picture and you'll know what i am talking about )

        i chose toffee nut latte ( a hot drink ) - christmas drink too !

        while my sis chose raspberry blended

        and my mum chose hot chocolate ( their signature drink )

        For ranking i'll put,

        1- hot chocolate

        2- raspberry blended

        3- toffee nut latte

        Hot chocolate taste really nice !!!

        while raspberry blended also not bad...however for my sister she said few slips at a time is ok , when drinks a lot at one go , she will feel sick about the drink .

        For my, i guess i don't like toffee with latte that why i ranked it number 3 and i did not finish up the drink .

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