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11 Jln Tan Tock Seng
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My relative was admitted and warded at level 5. However, the toilet there was located at the far end of the ward. Being sick and weak, it was tedious for her to walk that distance and back, especially in an emergency. So when the nurses are busy and missed or did not answered her calls, she had to struggle under trembling and weak legs to & fro the toilet at the other end unassisted. Frankly, I am appalled at that the toilet is not centrally located for the convenience of the patients. My relative nearly fell during one of those journeys alone. Indeed, there are plenty of room for improvements there. More on the hospital on my next coming review.

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    » 1 Review for “Tan Tock Seng Hospital ” -

  1. QalaQala
     20 Mar 2009 at 12:35 am

    My relative was admitted and warded at level 5. However, the toilet there was located at the far end of the ward. Being sick and weak, it was tedious for her to walk that distance and back, especially in an emergency. So when the nurses are busy and missed or did not answered her calls, she had to struggle under trembling and weak legs to & fro the toilet at the other end unassisted. Frankly, I am appalled at that the toilet is not centrally located for the convenience of the patients. My relative nearly fell during one of those journeys alone. Indeed, there are plenty of room for improvements there. More on the hospital on my next coming review.

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