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      » 13 Reviews for “Threadless Tees ” - Shopping (Online)

    2. bleo
       29 Jan 2011 at 10:53 pm
         Threadless Tees - Shopping (Online)

      Recently I just bought a tees from threadless called Jack of Hearts and the following is my reviews of their tees.

      I am SUPEEEEEEEER happy that my threadless t-shirt have finally arrived after waiting for 3 week + 1 days! I have almost gone crazy waiting for this graphic tee. But it definitely proved one point: the more I cannot get that something, the more I want it and once I get that something, the more happy i felt. Which is really sort of true, I don't get that much enjoyment from buying from offline shop than buying online. The long long waiting made me sort of cherish the tee more because this t-shirt does not just cost me money, it cost me 22 days of waiting too:) haha no more instant gratification(which is good, i guess?).

      Alright enough of me blabbering rubbish, the review of this graphic tees from Threadless will began now.

      I bought this t-shirt for 20USD plus 9USD for shipping which means it costs me SGD37.70 for this particular t-shirt. If you are unwilling to pay this much, then you can actually wait for about a few more months and the prices will eventually drop to 5USD, only if there is good enough demand for that particular t-shirt (usually threadless print a particular design en mass once and then once the shirt is sold out then it is indefinitely sold out but if there is alot of request, then they might do a reprint).

      Next, the tee is made of 100% cotton and it is thick enough to be comfortable and the fabric is very soft. One thing which i finds it very cool is the fact that the tee is made in Mexico : ) because usually my shirt is made in either China/Blangladesh/Malaysia/Thailand which is sometimes of a poor quality. This is my first time wearing a shirt made in Mexico haha i know it is kinda noube but everyone have their first time right? Furthermore the cutting is great too whereby the sleeve length is of an appropriate length for guys and the entire t-shirt covers 3 quarter of my butt. Compared to poor quality shirt whereby the sleeve length is so short to a extent that i am sort of wearing girls tee and sometimes the t-shirt is so short that my belly buttom is revealed once i raised up my hands nor do i want it to be too long till it looked like a dress. Overall i think the Guys Medium size is great for people who are around my heights which is 178cm. They actually have a nice print on the inside of the shirt which tells you the name of the design, name of the designer, the material, producing country and tips on washing this tees. Kinda interesting because other graphic tees i saw usually have a awkward label attached to it and gu-chee (ticklish) you abit. But this threadless shirt have none of that and they print their big name on the back and gives you sort of a prestige feeling to it.

      Although i like the quality of the t-shirt but i do have some issues about the print. From what i read from threadless website, i found that they use silk screen printing with pastisol ink which is sort of good because the print tends to last longer. However, the result is that the design is pixelated and not really as nice as i thought it would be because of the tiny little dots of ink which makes the tee looks as if it has been worn for a billion years. I guess that the reason they are doing this because silk screen printing allows for only one color to be printed at one time and so in order to create a gradient of colors(one color slowly transition into another) they use tiny dots of ink instead which slowly spaced out to create a sort of illusion of color gradient from afar.

      The next issue that i have with the printing is that the overlaying of colors kinda out of synchronization. Not very obvious but you can definitely see it if you bring the tee close to you enough. But i guess this is a small price to pay if you want your print to last longer. I printed shirt using heat transfer before and i can say that it really sucks. Good for short term use but for long term use, it is a big NONO. Next, this part of the design should be checker-box but if doesn't look like checker-box at a closer look but the check-box design sort of magically appears if you look at it from afar(i mean one arm length if you are thinking of a kilometer) but still the checker-box design not very obvious.

      I think that the reason for buying this shirt because of the design is about Jack which is part of the poker cards. And Chinese New Year is just next week and my cousins and I usually will do a small gambling game(test our luck mah... not illegal hor, don't call police come raid my house) and we like to play 21 points. Very fun because whenever you get a Jack, Queen or King, you will have this immerse sense of hope that an Ace is coming your way. Usually our older relatives will sit around us and watch us play, if they see me getting a Jack, Queen or King, they will go like "come on x3, where the Ace?" in hokkien and in a very nervous manner, very funny one haha. Because if you get an Ace together with Jack, Queen or King, then you confirm win twice the bet and it is not like a everyday thing. Although every year i will lose money, but i had really great fun playing poker cards with cousins and gambling with real money during CNY and i really hope that this tee will give me luck this time :)

      I do like their return policy which come together with the shirt, inside the parcel. It is sort of a sticker which you can peel off and stick it on a envelop, then you slot in the shirt that you don't like and write down your reasons for returning the shirt and you are ready to sent it back. Simple.

      In a nutshell, will i recommend this shirt? Yes, of course I will definitely recommend this shirt. You can buy them at threadless and the checkout process is pretty smooth and easy. Although, I don't particularly like the print and the super long shipping time, it does not means that the shirt is particularly bad. The quality and the cutting of this tees is pretty good and the print is okay(with room for improvements) and the design is very meaningful, especially for me who will be gambling this CNY: )

      If you want to have a look at more pictures, Then you must go

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      1. catherinetgk
         19 Aug 2010 at 6:16 pm

        I absolutely love Threadless, and have been wanting to by a shirt myself for a long time. Once, my classmate brought a shirt from Threadless that she recently ordered. Let me tell you, the quality of the shirt is gooooood. The printed design is not the type that creases badly (she squeezed it into her small backpack and it came out fine), and when I went back to see the design she got online, the picture on the website and the colours of the shirt are more or less the same, so you can be sure what you see online is basically what you get :) I really want to buy this shirt without the hassle of using my credit card/bank card, and I did see a couple of shops in Singapore selling them, but one was sooo expensive (like $40 for a shirt! WHAT!)... so I guess I'll have to spree online, then.

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        1. wenki
           17 Jan 2010 at 5:46 pm

          I like Type tee-shirts. Nowadays they are so popular that even students can easily make them as them class tee or CCAtee. I am a dancer hence we have tee-shirts that says "so. you think you can dance?" and others saying "I AM A DANCER". I think Type tees are daring and brings out the liveliness in the person that wears them. Plus, they are easy to design. Thus, i strongly encourage students who are looking for people to design their class tees to have type tees instead. the impression that the tee shirt gives to other people is really great.

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