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1 Jurong West Central 2
#01-50 Jurong Point
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6794-1930
Shopping » Watches

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Time Club (Jurong Point) ” - Shopping

  1.  1
     21 Jul 2012 at 1:43 pm

    I was ripped off changing my watch battery at TIME CLUB Jurong Point June 2012.

    On a fine evening in June 2012, I passed by Jurong Point and decided to change my watch battery. It was an analog watch. The watch hands stopped every time it was 11pm. A friendly mandarin lady served me. She charged me $12. She took the work to a back room and appeared to have opened my watch. After a while, she comes out and how me a gasket. She said it was from my watch and the gasket was worn off. The o shaped gasket was limpy and looks stretched. How could it be. This is not the first analog watch i owned. Previous watches last 10 or more years without having to change gasket. It is a non moving part. She did not suggest to change but said she will put it back properly so it wont leak. I went home and that evening, I observed if it would stop at date switch time. It stopped as before !!! After change battery my analog watch continues to stop at date switch time!!! I went back to the shop a week or so later to ask if the battery was replaced at all. The attendant insist she did. I was told it was the fault of my watch, and after i asked if I changed at another shop and watch works, would there be a refund. She said battery changes no guarantee.

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