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1 Jurong West Central 2, #B1-21 Jurong Point Shopping Centre
Shopping » Books & Stationery, Arts & Decors

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Young Generation ” - Shopping

  1. tianyun
     14 Jun 2010 at 12:03 pm

    Had a terrible encounter yesterday with their staff by the name of Selina. I were there with my family which includes my 2 girls, the encounter was between my husband and this sales assistant. My gals went to touch their display and Selina told my husband to tell my children not to touch, once my husband told my girls to go Selina 'shoo' them away. This is the attitude of a sales assistant? If you don't want anyone to touch your display either write otherwise don't display. There are shops that will state there 'Do not touch' but people still touch cos human is curious and there is also such things as 'Once broken considered sold'. In fact I wanted to get something from there but this incident turn me off. It's not the shop I'm unhappy it's just the sales assistant, if I'm not wrong she's not a local cos she can still stare at me when I looked at her....omg...attitude problem.

    Whatever is commented here is just my personal opinion does not represent anyone.

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    Rating given:2 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. Reno
      Reno said:
      haha, not 'local'. I get your hint. This is why our service standard in the general public area cannot be improved.
      14 Jun 2010 at 6:32 pm
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