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11 Canberra Road
Eating Places » Coffee Shops
Photos of Yu Kee Duck Rice (Sembawang) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Yu Kee Duck Rice (Sembawang) - Eating Places

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Yu Kee Duck Rice (Sembawang) ” - Eating Places

  1. sakurrin
     18 Jun 2014 at 4:04 am
       Yu Kee Duck Rice (Sembawang) - Eating Places   Yu Kee Duck Rice (Sembawang) - Eating Places

    I went to the sembawang outlet to had Yu Kee Duck Rice as I was craving to have duck rice on that day. Since I was young, my dad has been telling me that Yu Kee duck rice is one of the best duck rice so die die must try. However, to be honest, different outlets have different standards. The sembawang outlet duck rice tasted not too bad. I would rate it 4/5

    The sauce is not too salty as compared to other duck rice stall. The slices of duck are tender and moist. I always like to mix the chili together with the duck rice and the duck meat. For chili lovers, it's a must to have their chili together when you eat.

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    Comments on this review:
    1. Leenie Pigs
      Leenie Pigs said:
      love yu kee duck.... its really very yummy!
      19 Jun 2014 at 9:57 am
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