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3 Reviews
2 Stadium Walk #01-05 Singapore Indoor Stadium
Telephone: (65) 6440-3435
Restaurants » Seafood
Photos of Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - RestaurantsPhotos of Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - RestaurantsPhotos of Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - RestaurantsPhotos of Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - RestaurantsPhotos of Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 3 Reviews for “Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) ” - Restaurants

  1. catherinetgk
     16 Jan 2009 at 8:01 pm


    It's like ...

    A friend: "Hey there, Im going out tonight with my family to eat dinner and celebrate ________ event."

    Me: "Oooh. NICE! Where to? Btw, have fun!"

    Friend: " Oh, JUMBO SEAFOOD"

    Me (thinking): Not again!

    It's not that I despise this famous restaurant. It's just soooo famous, I just gotta rave about it.

    Anyway, I have been to JUmbo to eat before, but clearly, I don't think it's this outlet.....

    The food is goooooddddd, I must say. And the atmosphere is very suitable for senior citizens, but I am fine with that.

    I think I like the soup there (I have forgotten which one!!) It's really hearty and I am a biased soup lover, so, oh well.


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    1. Great Sage
       11 Oct 2008 at 12:15 pm

      Reason for choosing this location to have our lunch is because my friend have a 50 dollars voucher from this particular restuarant. So, off we proceed to jumbo at indoor stadium.

      As it was a weekday noon, there was really not much people patronizing this restuarant. But guess, they would have quite a substaintial number of diners at night. Beside the air conditioned indoor seating, they have a outdoor seating as well. And seating outdoors will give one a very nice sea view. Really would like to try out the al fresco area, but it was raining heavily on that day, so we can only stick to the air condtioned area.

      Service was pretty good when we stepped into this restuarant, they would immediately usher us to our seats, and lay the napkins for us. One very special move is that they even lay napkins for our bags. We were really wondering why they did that. But, i guess i pretty like the way they did that, as this would means out bag won't get stain by our food. :P A very thougtful move indeed!

      We ordered a set lunch, which according to the staffs will be more worthwhile when considering the number of people we have. There are a total of eight dishes presented in the set meal and the first dish is of course the platter.

      Of course, when ever we thought of platter, we would think of the miserablely small portion of food. But i was impressed with the portion of their platter, most are enough for everyone to have a 2nd serving. This platter includes the fried baby squid, jelly fish, duck floss with long beans and scallop yam rings. The best of all will really have to be the scallop yam rings, I simply loved how the yam melt in my mouth when i sink my teeth on to this dish.

      How could we have missed the chilli crab when coming to Jumbo? And their chilli crab is big and not only that they have substainial about of meat in them too. This is really a satisfying treat for all of us there. Some of our friends do not really eat chilli but they still find this crab hotness level within their acceptable range. Of course, how can chilli crab comes without man tou? Orignally we all thought that man tou will be very filling, never did we expect that they are actually mini man tou. Small bit sized man tou where one can simply globed up in one mouth. Of course, one serving of man tou is defintely no enough for us.:P

      Some of the other dishes that we took includes the seafood soup, the brocoli with seafood, the steamed fish, the mee goreng, honeydew sago as well as my favorite dish salted egg prawns. I really did not know that when mixing two very simple ingredient together would get such a great combination. The prawns tasted very chewy and juicy and when mixed with the bright yellow salted egg, it will give a nice and fragrant taste. Yummy! Of course, the best thing is they actually shelled all the prawns so one would not need shell them personnally.

      Overall, this was a good dining experience. The staffs were attentive to our needs and constantly refilling our drink and changing our used plates. Towards billing time, they even suggested us to get the jumbo card which can give us a 20% off the total bill, which will give us more discount than the voucher. Well, i believe these small move of placing customer benefits at the first place can be termed as good customer service.

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      1. ladyironchef
         10 Jan 2008 at 8:25 pm
           Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - Restaurants   Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - Restaurants   Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - Restaurants   Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - Restaurants   Jumbo Seafood (Indoor Stadium) - Restaurants

        When we reach at 6.30pm, the place was not full, BUT they are all reserved! And the seats available are the outdoor dining area. Wait man, don’t start blaming me that i did not make a reservation. I tried. I called at 4 but no one answer the phone. So we had to make do with the outdoor area, and o boy, it was raining cats and dogs. The waitress even had to carry an umbrella to bring the dishes over.

        There are many methods of cooking the lobster, my fav is salad lobster of couse, you can also steam it with soya souce, minced garlic, or stir-fried with ginger & spring onion, braised with superior broth, stired-fried with cheese & butter, and baked with cheese & bacon. Honestly i never had the luxury of trying all types of cooking methods, just had steamed one, deep-fried, and salad lobsters before. And i prefer salad lobster. BUt the baked with cheese & bacon do sounds interesting, mayb i will try that if i got the chance next time. We had the Australian lobster which was $120 for 1KG

        Salad lobster is simple Super-licious. Only one word can describe it, Heavenly. The salad lobster had lots of fruits, the thick salad cream and mixed fruit plus the lobster meat, makes it irresistable man! 5 out of 5

        Next up, the Singapore famous black pepper crab! Its Sri-Lanka king crab they called it. We had two 1.2KG crab, both crabs in pepper. Hmm the black pepper crab are too not bad, but there are better one out there, that is No Signboard Restaurant! 3.5 out of 5

        Mee Goreng! Jumbo is famous for their Mee Goreng i think, its very nice i assure you. Must try if go Jumbo, but at $8 for small serving, its a tad too expensive. Pity the price, if not it will be perfect score. 4.5 out of 5

        Crispy Baby Squid. Crispy it is, and a little over burned. I am still feeling thirsty now that i reached home after eating it. Not my cup of squid, at $8 its not really worth your while unless you are a fan of fried squids, i rather spend the $8 on another plate of Mee Goreng. 1.5 out of 5

        Thats all folks, i will come to the price now because its a bit complicated. Our lobster which flown specially from Australia for us to savour cost $96, i estimate it to be around 800g, but because we got a special coupon, we got 50% off! Horray! It only cost us $48 for one Lobster, cheap yep? The crab is $33 per Kg, We had two, and it comes up to about $75.90. And the crispy baby squid and Mee Goreng like i say earlier is $8 per plate. So our total bill adds up to $192.10 before discount. We had the 50% for lobster, and another 10% off because we had the Jumbo rewards card

        The service, eh is a case of over-enthusiastic against a group of slow diners who want to finish every scrap of food on the plate. I have totally nothing against their service, the waitress keep on changing plates for us, this is good because the crab have lots of shell. But when we haven really finish our lobster and mee goreng, they already want to clear the plates as well. Hello? we want value for money, every scrap of food is important to us. LOL. Besides that i don’t really have or can complaints because they do not have service charge. Except for the calling in of reservation.

        All in all, Jumbo is not bad la, its a famous seafood restaurant in Singapore with so many branches. However, we still unanimously agree that No Sign Board Restaurant is a tad higher level than Jumbo for its crab, no complaints about the lobster. I heard the East Coast headquarter produce the best food among its outlets, but we had to go to indoor stadium because the 50% coupon for lobster is not able to use in East coast branch. You can’t get the best of both worlds i guess.

        You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

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